Baby Bear is Turning 2

Hi son!

Perhaps you may not yet understand everything I have to say but when the time comes, I want you to know how happy I am seeing you grow to be the kind of person you are now.

You’re becoming to be a young man so full of discoveries and enthusiasm with what’s around you. I hope you won’t lose that curious mind as you grow older.
I admire you, son. I know you know what you want. You have your own principles at such a young age.
Oftentimes, you amaze me. How can you be so firm with your beliefs that no one (not even I) can bend them for you? “Where did you get that character?” I wonder.
When I was young, I was just like any other kid who would follow the norm. I was conventional, afraid to be different. But you…you are different from me…in a good way of course! Coz you show toughness and versatility at the same time.

You must be tired from my endless “reminders” and I may seem “angry-all-the-time” from your point of view.
Please know that I am NOT angry when my pitch goes high, not EVER! I just want to call your attention when I feel you don’t listen.

Let me make it clear that “I.will.never.ever” get tired of reminding you if it’s for your own good, okay?

Happy 2nd birthday, baby.

I Love you, my dearest son ❤

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